Our team of experienced florists creates beautiful, custom arrangements that capture the spirit and style of each event. Our vibrant flowers and lush greenery will bring joy to any event, from a small gathering to a grand occasion. Our goal is to make your event truly memorable. Visit us today to see what we can do for your special day.
This place is fantastic! They sell a variety of plants and flowers are beautiful and fresh.
Lynn Weiss
November 15, 2024
Adrianna was lovely to work with; she fixed a mistake on my original order and the new flowers my friend received were beautiful.
Ziv Haley
October 23, 2024
There's only one florist above everyone else in LA, in our opinion. Mark's garden are the best, consistently. I will point out beyond the unparalleled beauty of their arrangements, the value is there as well. That is why we keep coming back.
Francine Pam
October 17, 2024
I used the fabulous Mark's Garden for a beautiful fall Birthday delivery. As usual, they did not disappoint. Mark's Garden has always been & continues to be a hit! The flower designs are spectacular, the online transaction was smooth, & the delivery was perfection! Thank you for being THE BEST!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q:(Traduit par Google) Êtes-vous ouvert pour le retrait en bordure de rue ou en magasin ?
Are you open for curbside or in store pick up?
(Traduit par Google) Oui.
SSupport Team
4 years ago
Q:(Traduit par Google) Êtes-vous ouvert pour le ramassage en bordure de rue ou en magasin ?
Are you open for curbside or in store pick up?
Q:(Traduit par Google) Avez-vous un minimum de commande ?
Do you have an order minimum?
(Traduit par Google) Oui, 75 $.
Yes, $75.
SSupport Team
4 years ago
Q:(Traduit par Google) Quelle est votre zone de livraison ?
What is your delivery area?
(Traduit par Google) Nous livrons dans toute la Valley, Malibu, Downtown LA et Pasadena.
We deliver throughout the Valley, Malibu, Downtown LA, & Pasadena.
SSupport Team
4 years ago
Q:(Traduit par Google) Mark's Garden a-t-il une filiale à Exeter, dans le New Hampshire ?
Does Mark's Garden have an affiliate in Exeter New Hampshire?
(Traduit par Google) Bonjour, nous n'avons pas d'emplacement ni de filiale dans le New Hampshire.
Hello, we do not have a location or affiliate in New Hampshire.
SSupport Team
1 year ago
Q:Is your store front open for indoor shopping/browsing?
4 years ago
Q:What is your delivery area?
We deliver throughout the Valley, Malibu, Downtown LA, & Pasadena.